Oh my!! Look who had his birthday party today! I cannot believe my little Lucas is 4 (or will be, Monday)! It seems like only yesterday, I was holding him on my chest, full of wonder that I had just brought a little life into this world. And what a little life he is!! He is the sweetest, most considerate boy I know. Do you know what his birthday wish was?.jpg)
It was that all his party guests would come back to see him again! How sweet is that?? He had such a great time at his party, and he told everyone that brought him a present that it was "just what he always wanted." Sweet boy.
The past four years have made Lucas a big brother twice,
but God knew just what He was doing when He sent us Lucas first. He broke us in with an easy baby who is a fantastic big brother!! We are so looking forward to seeing what kind of wonder Lucas will turn out to be!! Four years and growing every day, and every day his mommy feels more
and more blessed!!
oh wish we knew. but malachis was to today